
I was born in San Diego and, at 17, reborn again in Hawai’i where I have now lived for  almost 60 years. Even after this long I still get a flutter in my heart when I think of how blessed I am to have had my life changed so drastically and in so many wondrous ways. When I awaken and look out my window I see the myriad of flowers blooming on the trees; the red blossoms of lehua ‘ohi’a, the white hibiscus, the pink and yellow plumeria. The chirping of coqui frogs serenade me and the sound of the ocean waves crashing against the cliffs at the foot of my street are music to lull me to sleep. My own little private forest surrounds my own little cottage where I can dance the hula ( which is a particular passion of mine), play my Hawaiian music, plunk on my ‘ukulele and no one finds me strange. I have retired after 24 years as a Chiropractic Asst. and now am fueling my passion for hula with an on-line Etsy shop specializing is hula attire. I work with beautiful, colorful Hawaiian print fabrics and get to have conversations with people who have the same passion as I. Blessed, indeed!

11 thoughts on “About

    1. Thank you for checking out my BLOG. I’m still unsure of all the options on the site having never done this before. I am packing for an 8 day trip to the Mainland, leaving on Thur. and will be back the following Fri. (That’s about as long as it takes for me to become homesick). I will probably wait until I return before adding to my journey.


  1. Thanks, Janet,

    As you can see, I just write as if I was just talking. Sometimes I probably don’t make much sense, but it’s been a fun outlet. My last post, I went back and made sure the okino was in Poli’ahu and it didn’t go through. I hate that! I do wish I could figure out how to load a Hawaiian language program on my laptop for diacritical marks.


  2. Your love and appreciation for Hawaii closely resembles my love for Tennessee. ♥
    Thanks for your kind words on the WordPress article on me. I appreciate your support. Nice to meet you! xox



  3. I’ve spent the morning re-reading some of your poetry. I love the way your write. It’s not pretentious or flowery, but it real people, places and feelings come alive. I love to write and I dabble in writing prose and poetry from time to time though I’m not terribly adept at it. And, I love Tennessee. We use to travel through TN on our way to NC. I think that “Land Between the Lakes” is in TN (not certain) but it is one of my favorite places on the map.


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