My Recent Trip to Santa Cruz



Christmas my youngest son and his sweet girlfriend gave me an open ticket to come for a visit. My first thought  was no way was I going to go in the winter, so I advised him I would postpone Christmas until April. I was still trying to thaw out from three years in Kula, Maui. So, when April came I flew from Kona to San Jose where Jaron and Alexa awaited. The flight was uneventful. Traveling is no longer fun. The seats are small, leg room cramped. There are no movies on overhead screens. Apparently one is expected to provide her own. No warm blankets, no hot towels, no hot meals. I couldn’t justify paying $12 for a box of crackers, pretzels and maybe a cheese spread. I longed for the 70’s and 80’s when amenities were standard.

Santa Cruz is spectacular. Within about 15 minutes one can drive from the beach, where the “kids” use to live, to the redwood forests where they now live. The scenery is stunning. The air was still crisp but not debilitating. As much as I love the ocean, I find inner peace in the mountains. These trees were amazing giants. Deer wander in and out of yards as do wild turkeys. They don’t seem afraid of us humans.  We had an adventure every day for the ten days I was there. Both Jaron and Alexa were able to take off work so I was able to see Santa Cruz up close and personal. We went to the forests, to the beaches, we visited farmers markets where I wished I could carry back all the produce I saw. I mean, a pound of beautiful strawberries for $3. I pay $7 for 6-8 oz. Corn on the cob at home, on sale, is 99 cents each ear. Here they are something like 6 or 8 for a dollar! The price of living in paradise I kept telling myself.

We went to the “artichoke” capital of the world, or at least the city. We saw roadside flowers covering the walkways with benches placed for viewing the ocean.

While so close I made arrangements with special friends from K-12. We met in the Amador Wine Country. What a fun time. We talked and talked and drank wine and bought wine. We visited a few of the wineries. It was perfect weather with such a marvelous group of people.


Jaron and Alexa are working on their new location. Jaron built a nice picnic table for BBQs on a very large lanai. It will be a great gathering place for friends.


We went out to dinner at a wonderful restaurant where there were several levels of dining choices. We rode in what seems similar to a ski left from one level to the next. The restaurant was beautiful, spacious and the food was good.


I have a ton more photos, but this is so frustrating I’m going to give up. But, the trip was such a highlight of my year so far. It was wonderful to spend time with the two people I love.

The levels of dining
Our gondola, comin’ to get us.
The picnic table built from scratch by Jaron, painted by Jaron, Alexa and I.
lavender bliss
Marcia, Carol and Jean


The front yard where the deer and wild turkeys roam.
My son and I at the park close to their home.